Tags romanian
Iubirea care a fost (The love there was)A Poem by andreii93I wrote this poem in the beautiful Romanian language. It's about a boy who recently broke up with his girlfriend and now he can't get over it. |
Encanto (Enchantment)A Poem by andreii93This is a really simple poem, but I like it though. It is particular because most of it is written in the Portuguese language, but there are also part.. |
Eve of the Holy FairiesA Chapter by nuni rama mysterious meeting after midnight |
Poveste scurta P2A Story by KitchuSe trezise pe podeaua rece. Uitandu-se la ea - constatase ca erau pietre similare cu cele din templul anterior. Sa fi fost acelasi? Sau unul diferit? .. |
AkroatesA Story by Kitchu[…] Soarele s-a scufundat deja in orizontul infinit; lumina aproape murinda a lunii coborandu-se peste formatiunile stranii de piatra. Erau pre.. |
Raiul de sub apeA Poem by KitchuChemare a raiurilor scufundateO audZacand pe malul dinspre oceanAbis de safir al relicvelor furateSi uitandu-ma spre cerul ce-a fostSpart in cioburi p.. |
LabirintA Poem by KitchuPierdutPe coridoare zugravite in propriu-mi sangeCu talpile calcand pe cioburi ascutiteDe zile-ntregi, lumea ma crede disparutLabirint cu peretii pana.. |
In fiecare noapteA Poem by KitchuElegie |
白蓮 - Hakuren - White Lotus - Lotus a..A Poem by Marian C. GhileaMultilingual haiku |