Tags : recognize

The death of you

The death of you

A Story by em810

Why do you cry? You stupid girl. You silly, naïve little girl. You thought you could make it go away. Was it pain? Was it agony? No, it was..
Promise me

Promise me

A Poem by Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

Dementia is our most-feared illness, more than heart disease or cancer. David Perlmutter
Take A Walk

Take A Walk

A Poem by Sarah Hampton

You may think you know, you have NO idea.
A Letter To A Dear Friend

A Letter To A Dear Friend

A Poem by Alexander Dueck

I wrote this to someone who needed to be told their judgment and decisions are right for them. I wrote this for you.


A Story by R J Fuller

How well do you remember someone you thought you knew?