Tags : reallife

Just a Little Cliche'

Just a Little Cliche'

A Book by Asdfghjkl

About a wannabe in need of some real people at her side.
The decision to live

The decision to live

A Book by Holly Stevenson

Life is hard and when you finally reach your limit what do you do? It's time to make a choice, to live or to die, which do you choose?
The roller coaster

The roller coaster

A Chapter by Holly Stevenson

It’s like being on a never ending roller coaster, it starts off slow, then there is a slight bend in the path and you start to accelerate upward..
Hard To Breathe

Hard To Breathe

A Poem by Tough.Fkin.B***h

I could tell you what this is about but that would ruin the fun :) comment what you think
A drop in the universe

A drop in the universe

A Poem by Nabila

The power we have as human beings


A Poem by Nabila

Take the risk, do what you have always wanted to do.
Iguaia's little friend

Iguaia's little friend

A Story by Natasha Asiemovici

Being born and raised 7 years after the communist regime ended doesn’t actually make a difference.


A Poem by Wolvesta

‘Just breathe’ they sayIf only it were that easy‘Don’t worry about it’If only it were that easyI’m not being ridic..