Tags : ranch

Bronc Bustin'

Bronc Bustin'

A Poem by Wicahpi

just a little cowboy rhyme
A Cowgirls Pride

A Cowgirls Pride

A Book by Ariana Takaname

Annabella Carmichael is a rancher from Las Vegas who returns to Boston to bury her mother and runs into an enemy. He wants her ranch, she wants him to..
The Only Dream.

The Only Dream.

A Story by Kevin K.

Sometimes we meet a man and find a monster. Sometimes we meet a monster and find a man. |Taken from my personal dream journal.|
Emma's Wish

Emma's Wish

A Book by Margery Scott

A marriage of convenience becomes much more for a widower and a woman who's given up on love.


A Chapter by jstricko

Matilda went up to her room and removed her hat. The tub had been brought in and this time Steve had also brought a privacy screen. Matilda ..
Chapter 3: Sky Pointer

Chapter 3: Sky Pointer

A Chapter by Cosmonaught Douglass

This chapter is undone and in need of work. I want for Conrad's character to start being cemented for the reader and for some of the greater world eve..
I Walk Away

I Walk Away

A Story by GoodStuff

I wrote this for a writing competition, so it's a bit forced. My older brother said it sounded a corny, but I wish I knew how I could make it better.
Cold Winter Nights book 1: Troubled Heart

Cold Winter Nights book 1: Troubled Heart

A Book by Dark Rider

The first book of the Cold Winter Nights Trilogy. Look at Author's Note. :)
Pueblo Pequeno

Pueblo Pequeno

A Story by Lykeios

Horror/Suspense story inspired by the flood of wholly inadequate vampire fiction.
Hard Core Chapter Four

Hard Core Chapter Four

A Chapter by ElizabethAmBurns

Anoir leads the way through a dusty town where life gives them lemons, or at least Timmy does.


A Book by Michael Fricker

Chester Eisentrager lives in his own world on his ranch in western Pennsylvania and he is happy to be alone. One day that would all change when he fin..


A Chapter by Michael Fricker

EPILOGUE It certainly was the foundations of an Adventure. Needless to say after Ms. Marshall saved the man Eisentrager’s l..
7. 2 Weeks In

7. 2 Weeks In

A Chapter by Dark Rider

I apologize in advance for any errors and boredom you may experience while reading.
8. Good Friend

8. Good Friend

A Chapter by Dark Rider

Sorry in advance for all grammar/spelling mistakes!
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Dark Rider

“From this day forward until you have reached the age of eighteen, you will live on the Graceling’s ranch.” Those words echoed ..

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