Tags : pompeii

More Than Statues

More Than Statues

A Poem by Gaia Octavia

Hardened huddled strangers,mouths of ash,many returned to fetal formstill giving comfortin moments lastChildren clutching,babes held to breast, encase..
A Quiet Town

A Quiet Town

A Poem by Yusra Arub

A pantoum I wrote a while ago..Let me know what you think!


A Story by Frost

An ambiguous figure replays the end of his days living in the beautiful city of Pompeii, just as the Vesuvius eruption destroys his world.
Claudius Rat

Claudius Rat

A Story by OscarRat

Claudius cleaned the baths in Pompeii. He woke one day to a hell'a lot of noise outside as the mountain erupted.
Ruins of Pompeii - an emotional roller coaster

Ruins of Pompeii - an emotional roller coaster


There is always an unending stream of visitors to Italy's Pompeii,A standout aspect that can't be missed by the tourist's discerning eye,You brace you..