Tags : omgwtfbbq

Level 1.1

Level 1.1

A Chapter by Church

Jim gets to packing, trying to prepare for the harsh road ahead.
Level 1.2

Level 1.2

A Chapter by Church

Jim goes to get transportation while his campus is eerily quiet.
Level 1.0

Level 1.0

A Chapter by Church

A college student in his dorm finds out that he may have just gotten what he wished for...
Veins full of Pesticide (Working Title)

Veins full of Pesticide (Working Title)

A Poem by Church

A song about... well, I don't want to spoil it. You can interpret how you like. But I hope it rings true for a few of you, no matter how much that act..
Level 1.4

Level 1.4

A Chapter by Church

Jim reaches the forest and realizes just what he has done.
Level 1.5

Level 1.5

A Chapter by Church

Jim wakes up and thinks about why he is doing this.
Level 1.6

Level 1.6

A Chapter by Church

Jim deals with whatever was screaming...
Level 1.7

Level 1.7

A Chapter by Church

The level experiences a sharp cut off.
Have a Drink on Me (God-awful title)

Have a Drink on Me (God-awful title)

A Story by Church

A man is accused of drinking far too much ale and those asking for payment are not interested in excuses, even if he wasn't the one who drank it.
Level 2.2

Level 2.2

A Chapter by Church

Jim puts his plan into motion