Tags : ninjas

R.I.P. My 20's

R.I.P. My 20's

A Story by Will

Inspired by a book of obituaries written by people before their deaths. I intended this to be a farewell to my 20's but this is what happened instead..
Mission Class A

Mission Class A

A Story by Jordyn A. Ruhter

A short story based upon the capture of a woman unknown to be a skilled assassin.
A School For Ninjas Continued

A School For Ninjas Continued

A Story by Blue Bird II

Season 1 I Just Wanna Be A Ninja!!The Shinobi AcademyIn the very first season, Kenpai begins learning how to use his inner spiritual ( KAI ) energy to..
The Princess and the Gardens

The Princess and the Gardens

A Chapter by Kuandio

Ayaka Soranoyume gazed across the palace gardens, and prayed this would not be the last spring. The seasons could be so fleeting, and if wha..
Kenjin and the Akuma Samurai

Kenjin and the Akuma Samurai

A Chapter by Kuandio

The morning was just awakening, but the lean young man already strode with swift purpose through the forest. As always, Kenjin had set out be..
The Bathhouse Inn and the Kimonos of Colors

The Bathhouse Inn and the Kimonos of Colors

A Chapter by Kuandio

Ayaka walked down a busy thoroughfare in the heart of Shenobi. Save for a few islands of cloud, the afternoon sky was clear, and the sl..
The Spring Festival and the Dance of Dragons

The Spring Festival and the Dance of Dragons

A Chapter by Kuandio

"It’s about the end of winter, and rebirth,” Midori said to Ayaka, half-shouting over the din as they filtered through the crowds. ..
The Ronin and the Demon of Winter

The Ronin and the Demon of Winter

A Chapter by Kuandio

The Oaken Tavern was one of the last places Ayaka wanted to be. After the parade almost everyone leftDanketsu Squareto attend the wide selec..
The Nightingale Banquet

The Nightingale Banquet

A Chapter by Kuandio

Ayaka attends the daiymo function where all the nobles of Shenobi are gathered, and the renowned Nightingale sings for them. This evening, her life is..
The Street of a Thousand Cherry Trees

The Street of a Thousand Cherry Trees

A Chapter by Kuandio

Ayaka woke from the strangest dream. She stretched, squinting into the morning light that streamed through the bamboo blinds. The room wa..

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