Tags : mtv

A Trip to the Shore

A Trip to the Shore

A Poem by Jack

The Jersey Shore, why do you watch?
Indefinitely Penelope (1 Scene)

Indefinitely Penelope (1 Scene)

A Screenplay by Dani Coco

16 year old Penelope worries that she's a bad kisser... and her best friend is most certainly not willing to test the theory. (1 Scene)
Finding Carter: The Ballad of Icarus

Finding Carter: The Ballad of Icarus

A Story by Ryland

Following the events of the MTV show, Carter goes on a trip were she meets a strange boy who ties to her family. But the strange boy has something to ..
Stay Away

Stay Away

A Poem by Brett Hernan

Nothing personal.
Tinder Tour Article

Tinder Tour Article

A Story by Ryan klass

2 friends and I drive across the the south of he US and back only using Tinder to find places to stay. Originally written for Vice but turned down an..


A Poem by Michael R. Burch

ProgressbyMichael R. BurchThere is no sense of urgencyat the local Burger King.Birds and squirrels squabble outsidefor the last scraps of autumn:remna..