Tags morose
EchoesA Poem by Son of ManOpen for interpretation. |
Periwinkle BluesA Story by misguidedpoetThis is the first part of the first chapter of a short story that I started yesterday. I have never written prose before but I thought that I would gi.. |
DirgeA Poem by RFDIIIThe Dirge shall follow the malady. An itinerant phantom; shuffling dirt.There shall be no cure on this land for me.Indelibly dead - in hell or on eart.. |
Just VisitingA Poem by RFDIIIJust Visiting Father, Mother,You rang the wrong number,So I had to pick up the line.Though not all is forgiven, and pardoned;Pardon me, I never for.. |
Hatred for him, Love for You.A Poem by GigglezAn old poem from my previous account, retitled. |
An Uncertain DispositionA Poem by Austin DavisI remember from life onceOr perhaps it was from a dreamAn uncertain dispositionBeing beneath a gloomy shadeColored in an evening's crimsonA vast tundr.. |
Silent GraceA Poem by N E. ChaseA bit of dark writing therapy |
Penance To PayA Story by Dawson JuneA story of a man named Richard Miser, a rich man who suffers tests like Job. |
The DiagnosisA Poem by David Lewis Paget‘Why do you stay by the window, Jill, Why do you stand and stare? There’s nothing to see but the sentinels, The names of .. |
Individuality VictimisedA Poem by Madhur KhannaA rhyme which portrays the condition of the people which still have some individuality left in them. |
A Call for HelpA Poem by YoruMoriartithe fall of the mask |
Soldiers In BlackA Poem by endlessmiseryA poem about an internal civil war. |
O So MoroseA Poem by Jacob BacaI'll probably recycle this title for later use. |
Hollow.A Poem by Winslow Des TotesWhen all you can do is try... |