Tags : monkey



A Poem by Trevor

I remember the exact moment I stopped believing in God,In fifth grade, on the playground, I told her I was thinking about committing suicide,She told ..
The Lion

The Lion

A Poem by Raccoony

The Wizard of Oz... The Cowardly Lion's story.
1969; Then, Now, and Forever

1969; Then, Now, and Forever

A Story by Geoff Travagline

What if we could go back, and when we did we did something so horribly wrong that it threw the world off? What if we did it and we found ourselves low..
And Now A Word from Our Sponsors

And Now A Word from Our Sponsors

A Story by SeanWegmann

My work isn't free, but I wouldn't dare charge you glorious people for the pleasure of reading my work. That's like charging for water....or sex.
42 Seconds

42 Seconds

A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

an experimental emotional trip
Land of the Hour

Land of the Hour

A Story by Rinsinya

Land of the HourString up the red banner of battleAnd throw your time as nowWay down the way to thenWhen there is no time to prattleCreeping softly th..
Five Little Turkeys

Five Little Turkeys

A Story by Taylor

I transformed Five Little Monkeys
The New Adventures of Monkey Man  "Banana Nut Dread"

The New Adventures of Monkey Man "Banana Nut Drea..

A Story by Jack...

I story written for the superheroes contest
A Brief History of Simia

A Brief History of Simia

A Story by StarNinja

Main Thesis Paper for Imperial Historical Society Consideration


A Story by theoutsider711

Biological weapon engineered to drive people mad and commit suicide in the most disturbing way possible.
A Wandering Monkey

A Wandering Monkey

A Poem by M.A.Rathore

A sight of the joy for children....
The Monkey's Favorite Tree

The Monkey's Favorite Tree

A Poem by Emily

There once was a monkey

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