Tags : freewill

Playing God with a Goldfish

Playing God with a Goldfish

A Chapter by Paige

a man was buried once. vines took over his veins. his bones. & An art project that involved cutting a goldfish from a rope and killing him.


A Poem by NeiL ArandA

One Point Calvinist Four Point Arminianist



Time itself is a cyclical wave, In repetitive formation. Fate anddestinyhave already been played, Leaving Freewill as a counterfeit sensation.
Two People

Two People

A Poem by Michael Iam Bone

This poem is about the conflict between my Yin and Yang.
This Darkness

This Darkness

A Poem by Michael Iam Bone

This poem is about our own darkness.
Star crossed as always as if

Star crossed as always as if

A Poem by T. S. Stephenson

star crossed as always as if - planned by a being supreme Wander over under Waiting for allignment Don't run into attachment Always will elude ..