Tags : fiCtion

The Boy With White Feathers

The Boy With White Feathers

A Story by Charles Konsor

Sam, deferred from fighting in WWII, battles his own guilt while pining over his long time love.
Blueprints & Wildflowers

Blueprints & Wildflowers

A Story by Charles Konsor

She held the newspaper with one hand and pinched her lower lip with the other. Her eyes jumped from photo to text, photo to text. With two fingers she..
Kingdom of Lies

Kingdom of Lies

A Book by Kathleen

Aaliyah lives a boring and carefree life in Glenavon. She yearns for adventure and is willing to give up her easy life as a princess for it. After c..
It Was A Sunday

It Was A Sunday

A Story by The Morbid The Merrier

It was a Sunday at St. Anne's orphanage...


A Story by PoisonedFlower

Riviera’s just another teen girl living with her mother, her day to day life just like anybody’s. Then, during the biggest blizzard of the..
The Rantings of Some Idiot From Kentucky

The Rantings of Some Idiot From Kentucky

A Story by G.D. McLulz

Will is on his way to Nashville and Has Already Contemplated Suicide. He's fed up with life and he's looking for an alternative to the "bullshit" lif..
Mysterious Lady

Mysterious Lady

A Poem by Ryan Loftis

A man becomes smitten with a woman to which he meets at a town gathering. He is suprised when she notices him and ignores everyone else in order to wa..
The Bounty Hunter

The Bounty Hunter

A Chapter by AJV

It's the first day of the job and Jazex has to catch a mad scientist who escaped prison. Can he do the job right and make it out alive?


A Chapter by AJV

The mysterious man introduces himself as Christopher Wason. He is the Sergeant of the notorious military called R.EM. What will happen to Jazex now th..
Family and Home

Family and Home

A Chapter by AJV

Jazex finishes his and gets to go home and relax. How will it turn out for Jazex after such a night?
The Captain

The Captain

A Chapter by AJV

Wason returns to R.E.M. headquarters to hear what his punishment would be due to his failures. Is this the end for Wason as a Sergeant?


A Chapter by AJV

Jazex sleeps, but not too well. Someone or something is disturbing his sleep. What could it be?

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