Tags : englishpoems

Drawing eternally toward your realm!

Drawing eternally toward your realm!

A Poem by Someshwar Gurumath

"I do not wish to reveal the sense of poem through description".
By concealing him in you.

By concealing him in you.

A Poem by Someshwar Gurumath

I do not wish to reveal the meaning of poem through description
As the sequence of fortune.

As the sequence of fortune.

A Poem by Someshwar Gurumath

''I do not wish to reveal the sense of poem through description''
Until it pauses to resume with a revival.

Until it pauses to resume with a revival.

A Poem by Someshwar Gurumath

I do not wish to reveal the sense of poem through the description
By Ultimating the Realization.

By Ultimating the Realization.

A Poem by Someshwar Gurumath

I do not wish to reveal the sense of poem through description
Lies in both you and me.

Lies in both you and me.

A Poem by Someshwar Gurumath

"I do not wish to reveal the sense of poem through description"
To Rise Above And To Roar Again!!!...

To Rise Above And To Roar Again!!!...

A Poem by Someshwar Gurumath

I do not like to reveal the sense of poem through description.
I'm with him. He is with me.

I'm with him. He is with me.

A Poem by Someshwar Gurumath

I do not wish to reveal the sense of poem through description
Like A Souls Breath

Like A Souls Breath

A Poem by Someshwar Gurumath

I do not wish to reveal the sense of poem through description