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Drawing rubies.A Poem by SilentVersesWhen lead replaces the marrow of your skeleton, how do you carry on with the symphony of fake emotions |
A Reflection on BeautyA Story by ElizabethAmBurnsHow do those devoid of creativity show what they see and feel? |
DEVOIDA Poem by Eddie PhillipsYou know mindless people seem to live in peace. They never worry about helping, hindering, or the status quo. |
A Barren MelodyA Poem by AscendingAbsence is infuriating! Is it not? |
Ode to Shadow WinterA Poem by dana largely devoid of snow quasi-winter inspires this shadow write |
RobotA Poem by Stacy PurvisRobot Does Not CareRobot Does What It Is Told Poor Empty Robot |