Tags : curtain

The Curtain Call

The Curtain Call

A Poem by Radioactive

We stay in the shadows of the stage, while another dancer leads the way
Blood Red Curtain

Blood Red Curtain

A Poem by Blue Bird II

Deception and fear, everything is so clear. I got you in my face, and I'm out of my place. I'm about toperish, without a trace. I'm pushed to ..
The Swagtastic Voyage

The Swagtastic Voyage

A Poem by Jesse Lancaster

Title by Mark Granade, my lovely roommate. A strange name to fit a strange poem. I wanted to try a different kind of flow to my work.
Curtain Rod Suggestions or How to Suspend Your Curtains In fashion

Curtain Rod Suggestions or How to Suspend Your Cur..

A Story by Jhenen Herrer

Wooden curtain a fishing rod are now made a lot more sophisticated and stylish. Most of them are handmade and crafted with top-rated materials to brin..


A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

inspired about Truck Driving
Flank Plan

Flank Plan

A Story by Jacqueline Kamau

an nice ineraction between a concubine(mpango wa kando) with a sperm donor who has refused to be a husband of one wife.
5. the man behind the curtain

5. the man behind the curtain

A Chapter by Jordan Williams

i wrote this for a friend of mine to sing when she was starting a band
Who Am I ?

Who Am I ?

A Poem by Vidya Bacchus

Ramblings of a purple angel.
Black Curtain Alleyways

Black Curtain Alleyways

A Book by Miscopied

In short? A story told from third person view of both the life of a immortal man and the people he helps.


A Poem by Marie

I think this is what it looks like, anyhow...
Final Swan Song

Final Swan Song

A Poem by Helen Crutchett

We'll meet again when the curtain falls on my final swan song, playing to a demandingaudience day after daysometimes wordsfa..
Final Swan Song

Final Swan Song

A Poem by Helen Crutchett

This is from the 'archives'. A strange write that came to me out of the blue one day! Make of it what you may :)


A Poem by Johanna

I wrote this poem on the plane tonight. It´s about Stalin´s regime and life under the Iron Curtain.
Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars

A Poem by Satish Verma

It is over. The curtain falls. I have come to settle―
Curtain Call

Curtain Call

A Story by Ashe

A truck driver turned improv comedian in a miserable troupe does his best to close the show, relying on the one person he stayed for


A Poem by anthony blake

Rabindranath Tagore "Last Curtain" translation

Rabindranath Tagore "Last Curtain" translation

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Last Curtainby Rabindranath Tagoreloose translation/interpretation/modernization byMichael R. BurchI know the day comes when my eyes close,when my sig..