Tags : creak

A Bristle Breeze

A Bristle Breeze

A Poem by Nik

I would love if you read my poem and gave me your feedback! A bristle breeze with spokes that creak - Assail my feet upon vast sea - From skies that ..
The House in the Lane

The House in the Lane

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

There’s not much of anything I can recall From the time that we lived in the lane, Only the puddles of rainwater eddying With the w..
The Monster & the Candle

The Monster & the Candle

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

I’d swear a monster lived in the hallOf the house when I was young,Just like the tiger under the bedI could see when they were gone,For I could ..
The Spectre

The Spectre

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

‘It’s coming in every night,’ she said,‘And creeping across the floor,It gives me an awful fright,’ she said,‘Thou..