Tags : collaboration

@];--- SWEET PEACE ---;{@

@];--- SWEET PEACE ---;{@

A Poem by An owl on the moon

In the spirit of peace on earth, we share with you the following collaboration based on the Christmas carol 'Silent Night' ... from Emma and Craig Fro..
Marie Laveau's Hot Pink Hearse (With David Moore III)

Marie Laveau's Hot Pink Hearse (With David Moore I..

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

~when a pair of subconscious spinners traipse off for cerebral ice cream~marachino metaphors on top~ ;)~
Kali & Lilith Sipping From Each Other's Pens~

Kali & Lilith Sipping From Each Other's Pens~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

~Collaboration with Shawn (Haruki HeadRoller) ;)~
A Word on Words

A Word on Words

A Poem by Elephants & Coyotes

"I wish I wasn't obsessed with words,"He says."Oh, me too! … except, not really,"I reply."You see, I have kinda, sorta, possibly, maybe, (Compl..
From Strangers To Lovers

From Strangers To Lovers

A Poem by SoulCrusader (Yas)

A collaboration poem between Suhad and Yas
Wrapped Soft in Wondrous Night

Wrapped Soft in Wondrous Night

A Poem by Lilly

2011 Global Collaboration
Ticked Off

Ticked Off

A Chapter by Renée

a fun collaboration with Rock and Roll Cowboy & "His Clock"
Peace (Dedicated To My Mother)

Peace (Dedicated To My Mother)

A Poem by Lee Foreman

This is a poem that I wrote dedicated to my mom. Inspired by my grandmothers greeting of peace...(My grandmother would always greet us with 'PEACE' an..
Collaboration of the Gods!

Collaboration of the Gods!

A Poem by Thomas Fitzgerald

They came together in the night and created prose! x
Dialogue In Glass

Dialogue In Glass

A Poem by Travis Gibson (poetic her..

Collaboration with Cassie
Gated Perspectives

Gated Perspectives

A Poem by Travis Gibson (poetic her..

Another collaborate effort of Cassie and myself.


A Poem by Cassie

Another collaborate effort of Cassie and myself.
After-O-DISIAC (A Collaboration with BlackRose)

After-O-DISIAC (A Collaboration with BlackRose)

A Poem by Eric Pudalov

The story of a "rapturous romp," co-written with BlackRose (from both male and female perspectives).
How Far Would I Go To Love You?

How Far Would I Go To Love You?

A Chapter by Dhaye

A collaboration with Pax. There's a music video to let you hear the tune. =)
A case for egoism

A case for egoism

A Poem by Kate Jones

Something me and my friend Alex made fairly quickly. Feedback highly appreciated as always!

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