Tags : brotherhoodofllamapriests

4. Heart of a Vitriaren

4. Heart of a Vitriaren

A Story by DrLrdMsterDerek

Derek is tasked with terminating a ninja leader called the Blackhead as a final test to see if he is worthy of leading the Brotherhood of Llama Priest..
2. Bakmadi's Rise to Power

2. Bakmadi's Rise to Power

A Story by DrLrdMsterDerek

Bakmadi gains power within the Taliban, only to have it ripped away from a mysterious figure known as Ronald Dump.
3. Establishing Sofia Baxter

3. Establishing Sofia Baxter

A Story by DrLrdMsterDerek

Sofia Baxter creates the Supernatural Tactics Division after some tough life experiences.
5. Project: Big Moma Jude

5. Project: Big Moma Jude

A Story by DrLrdMsterDerek

Big Moma Jude is created to protect the Sacred Sharpie from unleashing the Sacred Sharpie.