Tags : arkayye

In Our Image

In Our Image

A Poem by bred Brick Keshner

Disclaimer: A little hilarious write that is not meant to be irreverent of anyone or anything. Hope you can enjoy. P.S. In case it is missed, this dis..
Supporting fellow Café writer!

Supporting fellow Café writer!

A Story by bred Brick Keshner

It's placed on Amazon's kindle store in the UK; The Writing Group, is more about poems and thoughts that have been transcribed in a poetic fashion w..


A Poem by bred Brick Keshner

~ impressIONS ~
loosey goosey

loosey goosey

A Poem by bred Brick Keshner

. ponder without plunderingthat which you have put a ringwonder without wanderingas you cast each crumb and string. . . without slandering. . . witho..
after war, peace

after war, peace

A Poem by bred Brick Keshner

.bridge of light flashesblue oceans cross currentsrainbow cloudless skies.


A Poem by bred Brick Keshner

. thoughts for that House that Time builtwhere a life had been lovingly wrappedin emotion and garlanded with thoughts:share with us, like unto ..
moist cheeks

moist cheeks

A Poem by bred Brick Keshner

silent glow


A Poem by bred Brick Keshner

memory is a child seen and waiting to be heard
Song of the Stars

Song of the Stars

A Poem by bred Brick Keshner

` Sing, through the flowing tears, And laugh though it aches, ask again for love in rejection's face into the sun's first brilliant rays ..
turning over a new leaf

turning over a new leaf

A Poem by bred Brick Keshner

another birthday is coming up quicker than quick
dangling carrot

dangling carrot

A Poem by bred Brick Keshner

~ imPRESSions~

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