Tags : amalgam

A stranger

A stranger

A Poem by Igor G. Balatsky

That's strange enough when looking at the mirror you see a stranger - and recognize yourself. * From 'Amalgam' (..
A Stranger II

A Stranger II

A Poem by Igor G. Balatsky

A STRANGER II Who are you? I asked the stranger in the dark of the mirror. And he replied: White loneliness in the bla..


A Poem by Igor G. Balatsky

ESCAPE the flocks of snow-white birds are tearing away across the sky of hope and their tired shadows are rushing along upon..
Poem : Sehmi Saansey

Poem : Sehmi Saansey

A Poem by Mirza Sharafat Hussain Be..

An amalgam of thoughts.
But Nothing

But Nothing

A Poem by Satish Verma

No it will not work. The amalgam of arrival