Tags : albinism

Dreams are Probably in Black and White

Dreams are Probably in Black and White

A Book by YouoweYoupay

The story of friendship, trust, and love between two mistreated and discriminated against poles.


A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

Vivid colors stirred my jealousy..
Blue Butterflies

Blue Butterflies

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

My dreams had the element of sorrow everywhere, even in scenes where I featured as the hero.
City of Lights

City of Lights

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

Is it possible for anyone to die of happiness?
The World is a Book

The World is a Book

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

It will never heal, my inner doctor said.
Angel of Mercy

Angel of Mercy

A Story by DiskartetHaraya

In the passage between Earth and the House of Immortals lay a place where time continued to flow, and where several clocks of different shapes and s..