Tags : WhiteRose

Doubt In My Mind

Doubt In My Mind

A Book by VioletValkyrie

After Yang Xiao Long's Vytal Festival Tournament match, Ruby's mind starts to flood with thoughts. Does she still deserve to be team leader? What woul..
Doubt In My Mind: Chapter One

Doubt In My Mind: Chapter One

A Chapter by VioletValkyrie

A/N: This was something that has existed for about as long as ff.net can keep documents.I know it's bad to upload old things that currently exist inst..
Doubt In My Mind: Chapter Two

Doubt In My Mind: Chapter Two

A Chapter by VioletValkyrie

Weiss doesn't know what it's like, Ruby thought, sitting down at a fountain in the school courtyard.Sure, she may have one or two bad stories about he..
Doubt In My Mind: Chapter Three

Doubt In My Mind: Chapter Three

A Chapter by VioletValkyrie

Weiss opened the front doors to the school, walking out into the courtyard, the wind blowing into her face.Maybe it would have been smarter to wear wa..