Tags : Violets

Roses are Red, Violets aren't Blue

Roses are Red, Violets aren't Blue

A Poem by Dominique D'Arcy

A romantic parody of Roses are red and Violets are blue.


A Poem by Allison

To the one with violets laying in her lap Sitting on a park bench with eyes of deep blue. The grass in front of her shines green with envy, Mocking..
Rivulets and Violets

Rivulets and Violets

A Poem by J.A.Bentley

Upon being saved I received a dream about my future wife. This is not the dream, just an inspired thanks.
Social Awkwardness

Social Awkwardness

A Poem by Dylan Jacques-Fero

Roses are red, Violets are blue. I'm socially awkward, When I'm around you
Violets in a Vase

Violets in a Vase

A Poem by Elaenor Aisling

A man's remembrance of his wife.
Sonnet XIV – Sonnet of death

Sonnet XIV – Sonnet of death

A Poem by Adam Lebzo -RonninWarrior..

The title really says it!
Roses are Red...

Roses are Red...

A Poem by Derek Nall

I see purple
Love Poem #1

Love Poem #1

A Poem by SPF

Roses are redViolets are blueMy heart starts to poundWhen I look at youYour warm brown eyesBring out a blushAs they peer into mineAnd our hands gently..


A Poem by Stacia

More personal poetry
Going Nuts

Going Nuts

A Poem by Will

Roses are red, Violets are blue. I hate cliches, And I know you do too. All these love poems, Most of 'em full of crap. But you think you..
Violet Valley

Violet Valley

A Poem by Violet Batt

A poem about Violet Valley.


A Poem by Sunny

Roses are red,Violets are blue,If you ever fall,I will catch you, And while we laugh and joke, I'll try to keep you steady, Cause you have just bee..
Roses are red...

Roses are red...

A Poem by Aysia

A roses are red poem on the mindset on our society
Roses are Red

Roses are Red

A Poem by Karen

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you
Realist Senryu

Realist Senryu

A Poem by Eddie Davis

Just a different spin on a common poem
The Only Love John Paul Has Ever Known

The Only Love John Paul Has Ever Known

A Poem by JohnPaulBuchanan

I wrote this to express my love to my forever bride


A Poem by Cleavlnd Groves

A poem about a man and his violets.
As the song

As the song

A Poem by Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. Pablo Neruda


A Poem by AF1990

Roses are red Violets are blue Your p***y is hot! I’m gonna f**k you!

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