Tags : Uniqueness

Eyes which do not see evil

Eyes which do not see evil

A Poem by Loney tunes

Amidst the mien of subdued bitterness two lighthouses lie, engrossed in the perpetuity of darkness where all that is mundane die. A ma..
A Surfeit of Light

A Surfeit of Light

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

A Surfeit of Lightby Michael R. BurchThere was always a surfeit of light in your presence.You stood distinctly apart, not of the humdrum world,a chari..
The Satanic Marionette Doll

The Satanic Marionette Doll

A Poem by Harlotte Crow

Sometimes it's just hard being the person the people around you made every effort for you NOT to be...
If You Can't Achieve; Dream.

If You Can't Achieve; Dream.

A Poem by Sara

If you ever feel reality is inevitable, this poem is for you.
Sparks of Greatness

Sparks of Greatness

A Story by Tyler Rhinhart

Don't let your creativity pass you by. Use it, feel it, and manifest in the emotions you bring to life, in which ever way you choose. Creativity is wh..
Ugly or Beautiful?

Ugly or Beautiful?

A Poem by Christopher Benton

My first spoken word I wrote two years ago about whether all people are beautiful or if there are some who are ugly.
No, you don't have to!

No, you don't have to!

A Story by Liubov Blithe

Since our birth we're facing with many stereotypes, some of them can ruin our uniqueness and whole life...


A Story by Philip Muls

Snowflakes and people
Unapologetic, Unwavering, Uncouth

Unapologetic, Unwavering, Uncouth

A Poem by Sergei

The contrast between how you see yourself and how the rest of society sees you


A Poem by Litheos Ennius Taruc

To people who consider me different, here is my response...
The Brutality of Not Belonging

The Brutality of Not Belonging

A Poem by RachelWroteIt

The brutality of not belonging Leaves marks on a heart like a brand. When someone finds themselves placed Among strangers they’ve kn..


A Story by Charles J. Carmody

A simple conversation between friends sitting outside their literature class