Tags : Theory

Pass past

Pass past

A Poem by Pinki Tuscaderro

play on serious words.
Why Life Sings

Why Life Sings

A Poem by HardCoreReFusion

A whisper is louder than a scream... for the vibrations that move the heart bring forth the melody of love that brings the lyric of life into light..
My wish

My wish

A Story by Red Crown

Not really a story, it's just what I really think.
Endeavour of Poetic Souls

Endeavour of Poetic Souls

A Book by Rory CJ Frankson

Free Form Prose Flow by: those Seeking the Source
Forever Reading

Forever Reading

A Poem by Nicole

Inspired by Iacoboni's "Mirroring People"
I could be something.

I could be something.

A Poem by Adam :P

Ever want to be just that other person
Mad Man's Rant

Mad Man's Rant

A Story by StarNinja

A friend of mine found this in an alley. Weird s**t, but interesting. Check it out.
Note: Huddle!

Note: Huddle!

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

I write this as more of a note than a letter, so forgive me, but I must cover one more thing regarding truth..
Letter 9: We've Reached a Pivot Point

Letter 9: We've Reached a Pivot Point

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

In the previous letter, I stated that I would analyze the major theories of science against the Matrix Theor..
Letter 11: Frolicking Around

Letter 11: Frolicking Around

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

In the previous letter, I began expanding on the assumptions of the Matrix Theory and declared that there is..
Letter 12: The Key Principle

Letter 12: The Key Principle

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

Who we really are...
Letter 13: The Light of Truth

Letter 13: The Light of Truth

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

In the previous letter, I introduced a concept that is a logical derivation of the assumptions of the Matrix ..
Letter 14: Big Bang Theory

Letter 14: Big Bang Theory

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

I stated in my first letter that my goal is to learn and comprehend the truth, or “the knowledge of th..
An Actual Genesis Mechanism

An Actual Genesis Mechanism

A Story by Idyllwyld

A brief summary on how the universe began, and why.
Letter 15: Creation

Letter 15: Creation

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

In the previous letter, I introduced the concept that all matter is made of Intelligences that have been org..
Questions Anyone?

Questions Anyone?

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

I suppose I feel like taking a break here and making an observation, it is altogether too quiet. I expected ..
Answers to Questions

Answers to Questions

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

Just Random Girl: Your questioning of whether all matter is really Intelligence, that has the ability ..
Games of Madness: Epilogue

Games of Madness: Epilogue

A Story by Vincent Vercelli

This will be another entry into my collection of short stories; however, instead of another short story, this is my theory explaining the connection b..

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