Tags : Tarot

A Fool's Worth

A Fool's Worth

A Book by Misled Legend

A series of ideas that came to me when I found my tarot deck again. I don't know if this will work or not, so any advice would help me out.


A Poem by Cheavel DeLuna

Putmy faith in tarot. But can mere vellum, savemy life. Gaveeverythingto astrology. Butmy stars are feeting, keep falling out of sight. Look..
Fortune Teller

Fortune Teller

A Poem by Heather Clayton

Sparkle dust on my handsGlitter in my eyesLiving on the desert sandsliving with the wiseAtapestryis hangingin the little room I shareIt brings me up t..
Angels of Temples

Angels of Temples

A Poem by TrinityHawk

This poem started from a tarot card
Read the cards.. Your fate is sealed!!!

Read the cards.. Your fate is sealed!!!

A Poem by Bewitching Sensations

Reading the cards.. Now his fate is sealed.. Passion and romance gone!


A Story by Casper Dumass Lecroix

posted it on my home writing site wanted to try it here
Tarot: Reflections from within

Tarot: Reflections from within

A Book by Gideon

Self help based on the teachings of Tarot with a nondenominational presentation in a language the every-man can translate into what he or she needs wh..
Sometimes life gets in the way of living

Sometimes life gets in the way of living

A Chapter by Gideon

We all experience it. Just when life begins to make sense and everything seems ordered and alphabetized, something manages to unhinge us and se..
Before the days of astral order

Before the days of astral order

A Chapter by Gideon

When I was young I would wait till the night grew dark, the moon shone brightly and the house grew still. I snuck to the window, drew back the ..
Live a life worth waking up to

Live a life worth waking up to

A Chapter by Gideon

When I wake every morning, rub the sleepy grit from my eyes and stretch my arms to the sky I cannot help but feel it in me, from my toes to the ti..
Break the ties that bind your heart

Break the ties that bind your heart

A Chapter by Gideon

As I sit nursing my fourth cup of coffee I cannot help but find myself jealous of all the happiness around me that I am not a part of. So many smi..
The game of follow the leader got a face life

The game of follow the leader got a face life

A Chapter by Gideon

Open any newspaper and you will find so many things wrong with the outside world. Flick on any news program and you will only find more of the sam..
Tipping the scales

Tipping the scales

A Chapter by Gideon

Again I find myself sipping a hot cup of burnt coffee and bemoaning the fact pumpkin muffins are not yet in season. My local coffee shop, Huck Fin..
Even maggots learn to fly

Even maggots learn to fly

A Chapter by Gideon

Earlier this year I went fishing with a friend that insisted on using night crawlers because that is all he has ever used. Having fished with anyt..
Surrender to the higher principles

Surrender to the higher principles

A Chapter by Gideon

Last night after writing my 13th article I couldn't help but have an overwhelming sense of loss deep inside. I had sewn together more dolls to pre..
Don't invite Murphy to the party

Don't invite Murphy to the party

A Chapter by Gideon

If it were not for bad luck... We have all heard that saying and at times firmly believed it described their life to a T. As I sit here typing thi..


A Chapter by Gideon

With the seasons change comes deep reflection on the fragility of my mortality. I find the reds and ochers of the trees comforting as the scent of..
Organized chaos and the frailty of man

Organized chaos and the frailty of man

A Chapter by Gideon

We all have heard the saying that justice is blind. It is not that justice doesn't see the difference between right and wrong, it merely does no..

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