Tags : Suiside

Life Leaks In

Life Leaks In

A Poem by Invisible Ink

Life leaks in through the cracks...
Worse Than Death

Worse Than Death

A Poem by Invisible Ink

If this has happened to you, please talk to someone. There is help and hope.
Tom's last moment

Tom's last moment

A Story by Luke Ritta

A short story set in new york where a man contemplate his life in his office one lonely night.
My Cutting

My Cutting

A Story by StayStrong123456789

My experience with Cutting!


A Story by Cody Williams

Kathy recieves a phone call from her distressed grandson before getting Disconnected.
Sometimes I wanna die

Sometimes I wanna die

A Poem by Academy6

Shocker...not really...
Crying from the soul

Crying from the soul

A Poem by Fellwin

Tears flowing Heart bleeding Head up Razor kisses Hope lost Special rope Please help Ignored crys Noone cares Dark closet Only friend "Ca..
Help doesnt come

Help doesnt come

A Poem by Fellwin

Time for the rope Time for change Time for the pills Time for the gun Time for goodbyes Time for razors Time for writing Time for it to end..