Tags Stomach
013: The Way To Their Heart Is Through Their Stoma..A Chapter by SDMcCartyLiving abroad holds many problems. One is eating. What do you do when you just need to eat something that you can pronounce? |
The Past is a Grotesque AnimalA Story by Elle ThompsonA meditative journey through the author's past and the insides of a wretched beast. |
RAIN SOME LECTURE ON MEA Poem by kublakhan2701 04 11 |
ButterfliesA Poem by LetMeLoveYouYour eyes meet mineMy heart skips a beat.My stomach starts onIts fuzzy frenzy.A smile crosses you face.What do you thinkWhen your eyes meet mine?Does .. |
CourageA Poem by LetMeLoveYouHeart pounding.Head spinning.Hands shaking.Stomach churning.Thoughts spiraling.Hopes flying.Fantasies.Predictions.Nerves.Fears.The moments before With.. |
SWALLOWED STANZASA Poem by kublakhan2712 13 10 |
Enamored DecentA Poem by kera moondustSometimes I think I fall a little too easily. =) |
Empty SpoonA Poem by MandaBearI was inspired to write this after Lily Mae's poem Anorexic thoughts from a Bulimic heart. I hope you like mine :) |
Titan sized StomachA Poem by MandaBearI took Homers quote :" For rarely are sons similar to their fathers: most are worse, and a few are better than their fathers and turned it into a poem.. |
2nd Time CharmerA Poem by kera moondustBecause why not =) |
anorexiaA Poem by Arianna_loveLook at your legs, Do you like what you see? Look at your stomach, Is it flat as can be? Well I'll just skip a meal Here and there. Maybe not .. |
FeelingsA Poem by Monica Salazarmake me feel somethingthe only reason i am presentis for you tomake me feel somethingdeep insidein my heartin my stomachbutterflies should be cuttingd.. |
The Saddest StoryA Poem by CMM2A story about a girl who died, unable to get help as a homeless person after losing her job only because she broke the law and stopped to save a mans .. |
The Orange MonsterA Poem by EmilyBig orange monster hiding in the dark |
Where are the Butterflies?A Poem by Gerry LegisterButterflies lay amides the twinges of loving embrace |