Tags : Stomach

013: The Way To Their Heart Is Through Their Stomach

013: The Way To Their Heart Is Through Their Stoma..

A Chapter by SDMcCarty

Living abroad holds many problems. One is eating. What do you do when you just need to eat something that you can pronounce?
The Past is a Grotesque Animal

The Past is a Grotesque Animal

A Story by Elle Thompson

A meditative journey through the author's past and the insides of a wretched beast.


A Poem by LetMeLoveYou

Your eyes meet mineMy heart skips a beat.My stomach starts onIts fuzzy frenzy.A smile crosses you face.What do you thinkWhen your eyes meet mine?Does ..


A Poem by LetMeLoveYou

Heart pounding.Head spinning.Hands shaking.Stomach churning.Thoughts spiraling.Hopes flying.Fantasies.Predictions.Nerves.Fears.The moments before With..


A Poem by kublakhan27

12 13 10
Enamored Decent

Enamored Decent

A Poem by kera moondust

Sometimes I think I fall a little too easily. =)
Empty Spoon

Empty Spoon

A Poem by MandaBear

I was inspired to write this after Lily Mae's poem Anorexic thoughts from a Bulimic heart. I hope you like mine :)
Titan sized Stomach

Titan sized Stomach

A Poem by MandaBear

I took Homers quote :" For rarely are sons similar to their fathers: most are worse, and a few are better than their fathers and turned it into a poem..
2nd Time Charmer

2nd Time Charmer

A Poem by kera moondust

Because why not =)


A Poem by Arianna_love

Look at your legs, Do you like what you see? Look at your stomach, Is it flat as can be? Well I'll just skip a meal Here and there. Maybe not ..


A Poem by Monica Salazar

make me feel somethingthe only reason i am presentis for you tomake me feel somethingdeep insidein my heartin my stomachbutterflies should be cuttingd..
The Saddest Story

The Saddest Story

A Poem by CMM2

A story about a girl who died, unable to get help as a homeless person after losing her job only because she broke the law and stopped to save a mans ..
The Orange Monster

The Orange Monster

A Poem by Emily

Big orange monster hiding in the dark
Where are the Butterflies?

Where are the Butterflies?

A Poem by Gerry Legister

Butterflies lay amides the twinges of loving embrace

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