Tags : Somber

Rocking Chair

Rocking Chair

A Poem by John B. Bolling

Feelings turn to voices Archaic noises An old house with creaking floors Heart that longs to retire A quashed desire Broken windows and locked do..


A Poem by Jonathan Ballam

the headlines rinse his thoughts
Most Somber Rain

Most Somber Rain

A Poem by I Cast a Shadow

Written on a rainy day in Portland outside an old stone church downtown.
This Masquerade

This Masquerade

A Poem by Vincent Cuccolo

The mask is on, I hide my shame;But who’s to blameIf not myself,Here, in this audience of one? Start the music, The soundtr..
Just Visiting

Just Visiting

A Poem by RFDIII

Just Visiting Father, Mother,You rang the wrong number,So I had to pick up the line.Though not all is forgiven, and pardoned;Pardon me, I never for..


A Poem by Kieran Rhett

Leaving on The Red Hill, the Stray departsSinging a Dirge, Requiem for his soulThrough a gruesome scene, and bloody rampartsVisions of Flame etched in..


A Poem by PaopuKitten

I've never been sadderTo see you not with me.To not be able to feel your warm armsKeeping me safeAnd I just miss you,Totally and completely...We've be..
What Happens When We Die

What Happens When We Die

A Poem by Alexa Tasch

This is what I want my afterlife to look like
Solitary Confinement

Solitary Confinement

A Poem by AmongSavages



A Poem by Nemesis G

Sombereyes and haunting look,Innocence wasn't all he took,The vampire drains laps up her blood,Cascading down her neck like a flood,Her tears streamin..
The Fantasy World of Rachel Pallet

The Fantasy World of Rachel Pallet

A Story by dave

A girl who after living in a coma-induced dream for as long as she can remember, wakes up with the inability to feel and must cope with the difference..
1/21/2013 9:29 pm

1/21/2013 9:29 pm

A Poem by EvianneSpeaks

Random thoughts at a random time.
Rocking Chair

Rocking Chair

A Poem by S. Waldo

Back and forth it rocksAs the wind blows softly.It creaks on the wooden floorOf the old farmhouse porch.Alone for yearsThe rocking chair waits.Begging..


A Poem by linda m. crate

This one is for my cat Jack who I miss and love very much. May the coyote that killed you suffer much pain forever. I hope that you enjoy this, and, o..
The Witch of 1666

The Witch of 1666

A Book by Justin Littlefield

Born of sin, raised in a devout Catholic orphanage, beautiful, brilliant, and beguiling, Marideth Belfort is the nightmare of Colonial America.
Chapter I

Chapter I

A Chapter by Justin Littlefield

The Birth of Malevolence

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