Tags : Smells

Gurney Drive

Gurney Drive

A Story by GenXer

I wrote this for a "City Smells" competition. It was also an excellent way of preserving my memories of Gurney Drive in Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia.
The sad eyes of a street dog

The sad eyes of a street dog

A Poem by Luke Ritta

This is the best poem I have ever written. It is an EPIC poem about my Travels in India. I travelled aorund the country for 3 months. The poem below i..
A Trip to Paris

A Trip to Paris

A Poem by Elton Camp

There are too many foreigners.
Intoxicated Love

Intoxicated Love

A Poem by Luke Ritta

a poem about a first encounter.



a prose about sniiffer dog's sneak tour
Anxiety Relief

Anxiety Relief

A Book by Ash

This is going along with "Natural Ways To Relieve" I just couldn't get it to work like I wanted, so I'm doing it this way.
On the Trail

On the Trail

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

Walking the dogs
The Harvest Moon (A L'Arora)

The Harvest Moon (A L'Arora)

A Poem by Aaron Parker

What more could change? Winner of the "Nature Poems Contest".


A Poem by Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

Dinner for two is dinner for one, when one of the two is a cannibal. Jarod Kintz
New Car

New Car

A Poem by Shannon St. Denis

My head on your backside
Short Story: Off Balanced Fan.

Short Story: Off Balanced Fan.

A Story by Michaela

I have such vivid dreams almost every night and i chose to share this one with you guys.
the ichor of gaia

the ichor of gaia

A Poem by Shy

petrichor - a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather