Tags : Shonein

Chapter 13: Kindred Spirits.

Chapter 13: Kindred Spirits.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

The battle between house Uvel and house Rosarade has been concluded. In their victory they silently cheer to themselves but are too tired to do anythi..
Chapter 15: Two Week Plan.

Chapter 15: Two Week Plan.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

As Igar tries to recover he is watched and aimed by a jelous assasin. Can he recover to stop him?
Chapter 16: Two Week Requests

Chapter 16: Two Week Requests

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

(*flashback*) (in the round table room the four dukes and three representatives of each country sit)
Chapter 17: You are dangerously invited.

Chapter 17: You are dangerously invited.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

(its all a work in progress.)
Chapter 19: Story of the falling star.

Chapter 19: Story of the falling star.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

*Igar huffed feeling something as he rushed through the trees and grass in the deep dense forest. He shivered looking ahead and seeing a giant statue ..
Chapter 20: Pandora's Box.

Chapter 20: Pandora's Box.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

Another Short one
Chapter 21: For the King

Chapter 21: For the King

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

Itaria confronts her father.
Chapter 22: Beauty of the Ice

Chapter 22: Beauty of the Ice

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

*The group of team rosarade prepared themselves to leave for the Sacred lands. Ellia still thinks of Itaria's quick leave but at the same time focuses..
Chapter 23: Shattering the walls of ice.

Chapter 23: Shattering the walls of ice.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

*The group ran down the road meeting a dead end and finally reached the outskirts of the Sacred ground. As Ellia approached she shivered feeling cold ..
Chapter 24: Sain the Unmelting Ice.

Chapter 24: Sain the Unmelting Ice.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

*the group raced through the thick forest of grass and trees heading deep into the lands. Ellia blinked looking ahead seeing traces of cold air then s..
Chapter 25: The Awakening of the Demon.

Chapter 25: The Awakening of the Demon.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

This village hidden away in the forest. the times of demons and Shoguns what will he find in Asuga's mind.