Tags : Scotty

Ch. 2 Rebels

Ch. 2 Rebels

A Chapter by Bri

Care to find out more about Shadow? Here's a sneakpeek: He's a leader of something, he wears a mask, he carries a sword, and did I mention he's a clev..
Ch. 3 Volunteers?

Ch. 3 Volunteers?

A Chapter by Bri

Horror is a tough genre. Shadow is going to need a team to get those meds to those patients. How will he do it?
Ch. 4 Dragons and Knights

Ch. 4 Dragons and Knights

A Chapter by Bri

Interesting title, is it not? Shadow has entered one of his least-favorite stories but, something quite strange happens. Care to find out what our Rob..
Ch. 6 Shut Up Shadow

Ch. 6 Shut Up Shadow

A Chapter by Bri

Shadow has found himself in an odd situation, especially for him. Care to find out what it's about? Something about Violet is just so irritating and y..
Saturday Surprise - Video, "Enterprise Incident" w Leonard Nimoy as Spock

Saturday Surprise - Video, "Enterprise Incident" w..

A Story by dw817

It is with the passing of Leonard Nimoy is why I am presenting this video to you. IMHO one of the best where Spock actually falls in love with the Rom..