Tags : Resolution

New Year Resolution Prayer

New Year Resolution Prayer

A Poem by ღSherion~Raineư..

A new year resolution that I want to make, is for all these people and their sake. Clean our earth and serve others well, stabout the hatred and ..
Envy of the undefiled...

Envy of the undefiled...

A Poem by stranger-n-life

The analogy of brotherhood and duality of life, as explored in scripture ...
Resolution Deconstruction

Resolution Deconstruction

A Poem by Young Mountain

The 1st short in the series "Hush".
My Confessed Prayer:

My Confessed Prayer:

A Poem by Winslow Des Totes

This is an old poem of mine from back when I was in high school. It's main focus is my father's death but it branches off into a rant of sorts.
Trapped underneath a wooden house

Trapped underneath a wooden house

A Poem by Lina

The point of this poem is for you to find in it what you want to find. You make your own analysis, and you get to your own conclusion.


A Poem by Charlie!

A year yet lived, A song yet sung,A breath yet caught, Within our lungs.Inside our hearts, More than just bloodA million smiles, A million hugs.A mill..
The Vow

The Vow

A Poem by Pendantry

Happy new year! :)

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