Tags : Receive



A Poem by FlamingPhoenix

Who's definition? Who's permission?
10 rules you must follow to be positive

10 rules you must follow to be positive

A Story by Shilpi. S. Dey

this ruthless world, has drained the positivity from people. this read will ensure they gain their positive attitude back :)
I Stand

I Stand

A Poem by Healing Star

Well, you see I couldn't find a chair.
Can't Give/Don't Have

Can't Give/Don't Have

A Story by Healing Star

A little of my philosophy and understandings as I saw them today.
Only a short moment in our own lifetime.

Only a short moment in our own lifetime.

A Poem by Onlyme

Our time on earth is limited.But we can be,the best, that we can be.During our time on this planet,called earth.To give and receive, love and affectio..
Breathing Barriers

Breathing Barriers

A Poem by Satish Verma

You receive when you don't ask,
September Sighs

September Sighs

A Poem by Kathy Van Kurin

Sighs of September in a heart inside out.
Book of Life

Book of Life

A Poem by Apollos

Read it. Become it.