Tags Promises
QuestionsA Poem by Erin LeeQuestions by Erin L George a heart, more inquisitive than mine, might question where such angelic eyes would land on thee free spirited and demo.. |
Mistakes LearnedA Poem by creativekatYou tell me. |
Stuff Me Full.A Poem by RonnieBreightshove it all in. as far as possible. cram it with empty words. and lost promises. stitch it with pitiful attempts. and chocolate pudding. .. |
Sliding DoorsA Poem by Daniel WintersThat feeling, when your at a train station, and the train you want is late, but the train you shouldn't get is right next to you |
Black Silk and Promises That LieA Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..Replacing You and I................ |
Falling to My DeathA Poem by Jenniferlast night i hung out with a guy ive had feelings for for like ever...he made me promise that if we started hanging out more...i wouldnt fall for him... |
REFUSE TO KEEPA Poem by KimLove "The Beautiful Bu..About broken promises... |
A Promise to ComeA Book by Kelly M.Christian/Fiction/Romance book full of its surprises, struggles, and joys during the Great Depression. |
30) Promises to ComeA Chapter by Kelly M.The very last chapter. :D |
Promises, PromisesA Poem by JennaMarie... |
Outside of the LinesA Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..I lend them my fingertips to search for the sunlight of my feelings until I hear the words that rhyme with we.......... |
A PledgeA Poem by SlightlyOddA pledge I pledge to Work past my fear and gain Courage by this i gain Bravery A pledge I pledge toTo defend what i believe is right and gain righteou.. |