Tags : Pollution

A Way Out

A Way Out

A Story by

Darian finds a way out of his life...and a purpose to keep him going. These are the events that led up to the beginning of my partially-completed nove..


A Story by Treo LeGigeo

"Si nos can non take tutela of orbis terrarum, tunc nos operor non mereo mereor vivo in is." -If we cannot take care of the world, then we do not dese..
Water Rights

Water Rights

A Poem by Richard Williams

Fresh water in peril.
The River Flows

The River Flows

A Poem by MikeTheMechanic

We do we hate nature so?
Smoke Thrills but Kills

Smoke Thrills but Kills

A Chapter by Priya Seht

Smoking is very injurious to health. Cancer is the direct consequence of this. Puffers are not only harming themselves but others too.
meltdown Earth

meltdown Earth

A Poem by yelena

There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew. (Marshall McLuhan)theseblackfragmentedflowersaredoomedwithfataldrippingof acidsleetblasph..
Fools in the Twilight

Fools in the Twilight

A Poem by M.Fazekas

Earth and God have a talk.
Walk Through

Walk Through

A Poem by kingfugazi

Theres a lot going on in the world, but outta sight outta mind doesn't help.
American Red

American Red

A Poem by kingfugazi

We massacred red skins To kill red coats for freedom To finish off the red skins To pacify the red states To defend against red ideas To send us ..
The Salmon

The Salmon

A Story by yellowdrgn9

He sat back. It was almost right, just a few more touches here, additions there... He sighed. No it was not right, it could never be right, he thought..


A Story by

A story about a red bottle cap.


A Poem by riskrapper

Chesapeake sustainability threatened


A Poem by Andrea

I’ve got something that can’t be found in any shape or form.And you sit therewith your feeble mindquestioning the perpendicular shape that..

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