Tags : Persecution



A Book by sfrias

A girl is persecuted for her ethnicity and religion. she had to overcome the treat of being killed if discovered. She is good at it but her confidence..
Valley of shadow and doubt

Valley of shadow and doubt

A Poem by Muse

Playing with the ten-syllable word count again.
The Legend, or, Prisoners

The Legend, or, Prisoners

A Story by Sam

The lamentations of a prisoner.
Masked Hysteria

Masked Hysteria

A Poem by Stanley William shura

A piece about the masks worn by those who point the finger at others.


A Story by Darkened_drear

For all those hypocrites
How Amnesty International chronicled my persecution

How Amnesty International chronicled my persecutio..


A harrowing tale of torture, inhumanity and brutality by those in power and the media in Kenya from a personal experience
Burn Witch

Burn Witch

A Poem by bill angell

memories of a past life Witch burning.
If you only knew

If you only knew

A Poem by Armanis

If You Only KnewIf you only knew, the Skeletons in my closet,If you only knew, Secrets hidden in Lockets,If you only knew, All of my calamities, great..


A Story by Peter Rogerson

There's no rational reason for the way some faiths despise women...
Persecuted for Nothing

Persecuted for Nothing

A Poem by Mitch

This is a good example of how I feel about mainstream American church. I love my fellow brothers in Christ, but I believe some lack perspective on tr..
Leo The Lion Hearted

Leo The Lion Hearted

A Poem by NautilusRatio11

Sorry elect! We're not romancing the stone,dancing with gnomes, fantastical patterns with domesCelts scribbling scribing the ohm(Ogham)Aum the sound o..
The Prince of Kyria: Ade's Prayer

The Prince of Kyria: Ade's Prayer

A Book by Haeshin

Tragedy sets a boy free of one world and sends him to another, where the gods demand he take his place as king. But a magical desert royal? Him? As if..
Silent Night

Silent Night

A Poem by Rubein Geterminah

The silentness of the night does not indicate harmony; but the advisories in agreement, implementing their ordeals.
I mingle my food with tears

I mingle my food with tears

A Poem by Rubein Geterminah

Description of persecution and trial

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