Tags : People

Empty Hole

Empty Hole

A Poem by FrikinFrancesca

I heard a song and it made sense to me, it really hit home and this poem and focused around how I feel about certain things along with the emotion of ..


A Poem by Fallin Angel

River of Milk and Honey

River of Milk and Honey

A Poem by BadlyBruisedMuse

Got milk? Got Honey? Got a river?
Shadow of Momma Queen

Shadow of Momma Queen

A Story by kihindei

Service Station

Service Station

A Poem by Hippo

Observational scribblings
I'm a Writer

I'm a Writer

A Poem by Andrew

I'm on a mission.
The last stop

The last stop

A Poem by nightmask

being the last stop is more painful then you'd thought
Hatred's Din

Hatred's Din

A Poem by Yani De Los Reyes

I wrote this at school but I never felt angry. Until now I guess.
Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love

A Story by silent-reaper

A girl, Cindy, and a guy, Nathan, become friends and fall in love. The people around them won't allow them to love each other but they can still stay ..
When it Stops Turning

When it Stops Turning

A Poem by SirRJ

We creep towards our destinywith futures bright as sunwhilst ever-present lonelinessbinds us tight as onea generation lost at sealike many gone before..

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