Tags : PETS

Chihuahua Football At The Rose Hill Stadium

Chihuahua Football At The Rose Hill Stadium

A Poem by Marie Harrison

a pet poem about my dogs


A Poem by Edgar A Stonehill

Dogs can be peculiar


A Poem by Towanda the Dude

A hilarious dog
~thinking of a name~

~thinking of a name~

A Story by WolfDaughter

Princess Rosaline of the Mermaids,is intrested in a pet Sea Horn,and is having to protect them from the evil Androyedes.


A Story by Luxovious Sloane

This is a story about how i ran over a Raccoon on the road, and how i handled the situation. haha.
What is death?

What is death?

A Chapter by Carina Baumert

Phase 5 - Carina has early encounters with death.


A Poem by AquaWriter

For my Dog brutus 2002-2010
The Secret of Life

The Secret of Life

A Story by Valette

On finding what matters.
Jackson, My Jackson

Jackson, My Jackson

A Poem by Cecelia

My beloved "Furry" child who fills my heart every day...
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Valette

Samson finds Diana
dotting the i

dotting the i

A Poem by Jonathan Ballam

fuel-injected birds narrate the churning traffic

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