Tags Noodles
Taxing RideA Story by SiblingJust some story I thought of, nothing to read here... Move along. |
A Story of Audacious NoodlesA Story by Emily HernandezThis story is meant to entertain you. It's actually a true story that I experienced a couple summers ago. My younger brother and I are always squabbli.. |
BON APPETITTA Poem by Alfred Kukitzyummy |
NoodlesA Poem by Donsin razielI was reading something called "Cuil Theory". It gave me a pretty bad headache, and I decided I wanted to share that experience with everyone. |
The ArgumentA Story by Sand Witch"You... you noodle!" "...What did you call me?" "A noodle!" "Say it again!" "Noodle! Noodle! Bloody fool, are you deaf?" "Go scrub a toilet!" |
Noodle LakeA Poem by Earl SchumackerAn accidental lunch |
Noodle Lake - HaikuA Poem by Earl SchumackerHaiku |
Favorite ThingsA Poem by Ufi Auttorri ~ Amy C. T. ..One reader described it as "Mad love." |
ExcitedA Poem by Martiya DamanMy favorite days :) |