Tags Miscellaneous
Jag Versus LeoA Book by rIt's funny. There's angst, violence, fluff, and whatthefuck scenes. Read it if you wish to be blown, whether by the suckiness or its slutness or its.... |
Random and Randomer a portfolioA Book by J. ViandsLast but not least is the miscellaneous stuff |
Snippets are only snippetsA Book by anonyMEty.celesteParagraphs of miscellaneous thoughts; they keep coming. Sometimes I think of something and it leads me there, sometimes I think of black and it hits m.. |
Miscellaneous Essays of Various StudiesA Book by AdaA variety of essays I've written over the past several years, academic and otherwise. |
Serenity SocksA Poem by Uriah OceanWith white socks, your walkingstaying white as chalkwalking on a blackened roadhaving no time to stopclose to a choiceleading to a roadof dirt, and mu.. |
A Rolling ThunderA Poem by mnicorataA poem that I decided to write after being out on the porch late at night. |
A Door of OpportunityA Poem by mnicorataI found that good old fashion freedom does not cost a cent, and anyone who believes in should utterly fight to keep that freedom alive and well. |
Become the GiantA Poem by mnicorataI thought of this idea about how to overcome struggles and becoming more than what we are. |
DuskA Poem by mnicorataA poem that I decided to write around the time of dusk. It just came to me naturally. |
Gnome’s UtteranceA Poem by mnicorataI wanted to write kind of a humorous and sarcastic poem about a gnome who either gets his house invaded or him setting off on an adventure, whichever .. |
Heaven’s GardenA Poem by mnicorataI had this idea or vision while walking through a park one day and I came across this prairie and immediately I had to write down an inspirational per.. |
InsightA Poem by mnicorataI had this idea on the divine creator and his plan, and I put my own spin on what blessed trinity might be like. |
What I SeeA Poem by mnicorataThis is what I envision the world the way I see it. |
When all Goes SourA Poem by mnicorataAnother play-on-words about life. |
The Jester’s CallA Poem by mnicorataA poem I wrote bout four years ago about my life and what it felt like to live. |
The Breath In MeA Poem by mnicorataI thought I would something about my own being and my own spirit. |
Eternal BlissA Poem by mnicorataAnother poem I wrote about being in love. |
A Winter LandscapeA Poem by mnicorataA poem I wrote about winter one day standing outside on my porch. |