Tags : Malo

La muerte comerciante

La muerte comerciante

A Book by Clifford Roberts

El Mercader de la Muerte es una novela panorámica que sigue a la desaparición de un paraíso de América, la voluntad de las..
The Nefarious Cosmos

The Nefarious Cosmos

A Book by NinjaShadowWolf

Basically, a girl gets transported into another world with different creatures, and if she wants to she her world or family again she must defeat that..
The story of Malo

The story of Malo

A Chapter by NinjaShadowWolf

This is the story of Malo and his life. He is the second main character. This is suppose to be the second part of the book.
Chapter 2 Into a New World

Chapter 2 Into a New World

A Chapter by NinjaShadowWolf

Malo in a new world that is not earth.