Tags Lenore
Chapter Eleven: Clean Comfort, Empty TortureA Chapter by Ivy NavillusThere are often times when I get stressed or overwhelmed-- considering that I share my head with a very chatty girl, that should come as no surprise... |
Nevermore, A Tribute to Edgar Allan PoeA Poem by lionofctI love the works of Poe, and figured most everyone knew his poem, 'The Raven'. I often wondered what happened to the poet, the one telling the story, .. |
Why LenoreA Poem by Turquoise TanukiI wrote this a few years back, actually. I was playing around with -I believe the term is alliteration? It is a take on Poe's the Raven. |
NevermoreA Stage Play by Casey LutherEdgar Allen Poe confronts his demons. |