Tags : Interdimensional

Shattered Perceptions

Shattered Perceptions

A Story by Kloverfield

When inter dimensional travelers&best friends,Klover&Ferrett,have a sudden falling out,Klover can't handle it.Looking for solace,she realizes there ma..
The Scary Door

The Scary Door

A Story by Brandon Langley

"You are entering a realm which is unusual. Maybe it's magic, or some kind of monster... The second one. Prepare to enter the Scary Door." This has no..
Ebb and flow

Ebb and flow

A Poem by eli mercuree rue

On that Wildflow Earthflow Godflow Youflow iEyeflow Weflow Go-Getter Dreamer Manifestflow In this Cold world Growing w..


A Book by Jay_Bluefire

A tavern sits on the edge of a cliff. People from every dimension can travel there. There's no fighting and no usage of powers/abilities/sci-fi techno..