Tags : Imprison

I Caught a Raven

I Caught a Raven

A Poem by Anoxic

A poem about the freedom of a soul and our love for it. Yet, we seek to control it so that it suits our needs. Originally written for a woman I knew t..
Depression of Black and White

Depression of Black and White

A Poem by Mason Rayburn

I am the black to your white I am the wrong to your right I am the up for when you are down I am the stop for when life spins you round ..
A Segmented Mind

A Segmented Mind

A Story by S. D. Forogar

Two Minds are as one, but they are not. They love and they hate antithetically, and the live and they lust. One is a beast, but the other? No, the oth..


A Poem by Ben Noah Suri

Hundreds of years after I die, no one will know me; but should they? I don’t want to be held back in this world; imp..
Peace And Security

Peace And Security

A Poem by Celie Rose

true peace and security will crush and prevail against all who try to mimic.


A Poem by Michael Iam Bone

This poem is about how your ego can imprison you.
Summer Fires

Summer Fires

A Poem by Kathy Van Kurin

A day which gave opportunity for personal introspection. We here in Oregon, Idaho, Washington watched this become a very serious summer for wild fires..


A Poem by iTryToWriteAllTheTime

Somethings coming. I can feel it.