Tags : Impermanence



A Poem by Stryker

Don't you miss your childhood innocence sometimes?
A flower

A flower

A Poem by jeffburton

A short poem on beauty
Strays at the Chasm's Precipice

Strays at the Chasm's Precipice

A Poem by Nico Reznick

This is what we do with our obsession: fixate on these vain trivialities, like trying to find the perfect sequence of words, the most fit synonym, ..
A Mostly Benign One

A Mostly Benign One

A Poem by Nico Reznick

Because poetry is a disease...
The delicate use of now

The delicate use of now

A Poem by Rod

Poetry about the frailty of this very existence.
We Are

We Are

A Poem by Susanna Correya

This poem is about impermanence in life and relationships.
Death Grip

Death Grip

A Poem by The Iron Horseman

A poem about Winter. Or is it?
The Poetry of Basho

The Poetry of Basho

A Poem by Brandt

a dash of Matsuo Basho, a splash of Tang Dynasty moon mirrors, a crash of worlds
Not seen but still real

Not seen but still real

A Poem by Kathy Van Kurin

The extravagance of moments gone running into a stream of gold- those continuing into future realities.


A Poem by Michael R. Burch

R.I.P.by Michael R. BurchWhen I am lain to restand my soul is no longer intact,but dissolving, like a sunsetdiminishing to the west, …and when ..
An Ordained Beauty

An Ordained Beauty

A Poem by Pushpa Tuladhar

Soi Pyei Thasin, the well-known Burmese Cine artist, Singer and Model after having ordained as the Buddhist monk.
All time ever does is pass & all you ever do is remember

All time ever does is pass & all you ever do is re..

A Poem by Kruppz

I got this prompt from an Instagram poetry contest.