Tags : IBM-pc

Why I Program

Why I Program

A Story by dw817

Someone once asked me, why the obsession with computers and programming ? And - I feel I can actually answer them today. (more)
DW-11 "The Leash"

DW-11 "The Leash"

A Chapter by dw817

Frank: "Well he needs to be 18 to enter." Wayne was quiet just looking at him for a long moment. Frank shrugged, "If you put him on a leash thou..
DW-18 "Motor Mouth"

DW-18 "Motor Mouth"

A Chapter by dw817

I was right back where I had been so many times with bullies back in Middle School, this was not something new to me. But now it wasn't being presente..
DW-20 "Videogame Vixen"

DW-20 "Videogame Vixen"

A Chapter by dw817

"Now grip me with your legs, just like I did you." I obeyed. "Now get closer to me ! Geez, I won't bite !" Suddenly she reached around my shoulder ..
DW-27 "Another Day In Paradise"

DW-27 "Another Day In Paradise"

A Chapter by dw817

I didn't bother to fight back as they pulled off my backpack and dragged me over to the toilet stall. Tyler shoved my head in the toilet bowl and flus..
FB4-101 "The Centrifuge"

FB4-101 "The Centrifuge"

A Chapter by dw817

At once a blurry video-screen appeared and I heard Mr. White's voice speak as well as see his familiar all-face covering mask of a rabbit. "Experim..