Tags : Hustler

United Methodist Church of Sodom and Gamorrah

United Methodist Church of Sodom and Gamorrah

A Poem by Saint No-One

A poem about sexual stereotyping and hetero-normality I wrote sitting high in a field in the middle of nowhere.
Urban Jungle

Urban Jungle

A Poem by Colette

What it's like for me living in an urban jungle. https://soundcloud.com/mzmoonshine/urban-jungle
Pool's Prince Charming, for the pool shark St. Louie Louie Roberts

Pool's Prince Charming, for the pool shark St. Lou..

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Pool's Prince CharmingbyMichael R. Burchthis is my tribute to the legendary pool shark Saint Louie Louie RobertsLouie, Louie, Prince of Pool,making al..
Deadpool: XXX (Brothers)

Deadpool: XXX (Brothers)

A Story by Abishai100

Twins become vigilantes and dabble in the world of piracy, blood diamonds, sex, and Christian aspirations.