Tags : Humble

Just a girl

Just a girl

A Poem by lrigD

You're just a girl.
Humble Pie

Humble Pie

A Story by Angela Bininger

Humble pie is the hardest piece of pie to eat. No sooner than we think we are above something/someone, better than something/someone, don’..
Left Inside

Left Inside

A Poem by Roger Morrison

3 sixes; go straight to jail, he moves his metal cannon forth. The princess gets a love surgery.
Pride's Desperation

Pride's Desperation

A Story by A*Meadows

“Loyalty seems to only be honored among the loyal. Those who don’t understand the nature of loyalty misuse the word and adopt the definiti..
The Priceless Penny

The Priceless Penny

A Story by Mr Alednac

The Priceless Penny is a fairy tale/allegory that has a very happy ending
Nature's grandeur

Nature's grandeur

A Poem by EmpressPoetess

My humble heart has meltedand my eyes shimmer in awe of such timeless beauty reflected across these cool deep blue Placid waters where clouds re..
Humble Death

Humble Death

A Poem by Zee Noir

Humble Death.. I grasp tight life’s fragile thread,With grin painted upon this pale face in content,Aware that in a mere moment it will..
Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings

Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings

A Story by Invictus

Chapter one from a book a book I have yet to title.
Lent–Day Five:

Lent–Day Five:

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

I know that I said yesterday was the fifth day of Lent, but I was suffering from a stupid attack. Sundays don’t count as part of Lent, which is ..
Lent: First Sunday

Lent: First Sunday

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

One of the most frustrating things I experienced as a child, as a teen, as a young adult, and even in seminary, was that the Church kept telling m..
Lent: Day Four

Lent: Day Four

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

St. Benedict gives us the allegory of Jacobs Ladder as a model for humility (see Day Three). The first rung of that ladder, or the first step towa..
Lent: Day Three

Lent: Day Three

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Yesterday I admitted that I often lack humility, and that I was using Lent as an opportunity to focus on humility and hopefully become more humble..
Lent– Day Two

Lent– Day Two

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

I can often lack in humility. So I am using Lent this year as an opportunity to grow in humility. But, for all the reasons I explained yesterday, ..
Lent: Day One

Lent: Day One

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

So for the next forty days�"and Sundays which don’t count as Lent�"I’ll be posting short posts for Spiritual Dir..
True Prayer Leads to Action

True Prayer Leads to Action

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

"Love is found in deeds rather than in words," at least that's what St. Ignatius tells me. St. Gregory the Great seems to agree because he tells m..
Why Does God Give Us Commandments?

Why Does God Give Us Commandments?

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

If we are God's Children, then we are heirs to God's power and God's Kingdom. We are princes and princesses waiting to rule. Though we are princ..
Lent: Day Six

Lent: Day Six

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Every time I fail, it’s because I sacrificed what I want for what I want in the moment. Which brings me to St. Benedict’s second step towa..
Lent: Day Seven

Lent: Day Seven

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

A couple of years ago I was about to start my morning class, when I received an email from my supervisor at the time, telling me I had to use some boo..
Lent: Day Eight

Lent: Day Eight

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

When I was a young child, my mother said two things to me that offended me: The first was she told me that she thought the Beatles never should have m..

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