Tags : HorrorPoetry

A Dream of Home Runs

A Dream of Home Runs

A Poem by LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa

In darkness, as the moon begins to shine,He roams, an empty vessel, no purpose, nor a sign,A tattered bat, its luster long gone,In his right hand, it ..
Sacrifice for appeasement

Sacrifice for appeasement

A Poem by LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa

Looking up, darkness looms,Dark clouds gather, crackling booms,Thunder growls and raindrops plink,Tension mounting with each blink.Is it God's wrath o..
Seven-Day Descent

Seven-Day Descent

A Poem by LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa

Corruption spreads with no end in sight,A curse that grows with each passing night,Horrid blisters as skin begins to lesion,A gentle prelude to a fate..
Finding Flight in Fragments

Finding Flight in Fragments

A Poem by LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa

Cut open my stomach, let the butterflies take flight. Cut out my tongue, no words to sully our night. Cut off my pinkie, its promises it never held...